Students and staff at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School took a moment at the tail end of the year on June 17 to celebrate all the hard work that went into the school improving its accountability status with the New York State Education Department – shifting off the list of schools in receivership in New York State!
“This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our students, staff, and parents,” said Binghamton City School District Superintendent Dr. Tonia Thompson. “Congratulations to everyone involved in making this milestone possible. We will continue to build on this success, striving for even greater excellence in the future!”
When a New York State School is in receivership it means the school needs a little extra help, which can include getting test scores up. Schools under receivership are provided with oversight and targeted plans to help raise performance levels across the board.
The improvement plan at Franklin had many facets – including determining and implementing standards that were the most important for setting students up for success, and grouping students based on their needs (students who had not met the standard receiving additional help, students who had met the standard receiving more challenge, and everything in between. Franklin now joins the ranks as a school in Locally Supported Improvement (or good standing).
“I could not be more proud of our students, families and staff,” said former Franklin Elementary Principal and current BCSD Assistant to the Superintendent Kyle Skinner. “The work that our staff put in and the growth that took place as a result was nothing short of amazing and I am so proud of each and every one of them. Our students and their families were so supportive and trusting of us and the work we did and I cannot thank them enough for their support! “
Congratulations to everyone at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School!